1. If you are in the Lobby you need to return to the Main Menu, check the screenshot on where to click (bottom right).
Lobby screen, bottom right highlight shows button to return to Main Menu
2. Then look at the bottom you will see your current server. This will be a location. You can press Tab on PC or you can click on it. Screenshot below.
The green arrows points to the server list button
3. Then a list of servers will be shown. They are sorted in ascending order of ping/latency. The smaller the ping the more responsive the games will be.
Server list screen showing servers sorted in ascending order by ping
We have compiled a checklist of 10 action items that we think is the most important to improve at Apex Legends.
1. Improve Your Aim
Imperial Hal has said before on his stream that the different your aim alone can get you from Bronze to Diamond. So this is why this is listed as the first way to make you better at Apex Legends.
For Mouse and Keyboard, you should adjust your mouse speed to a mouse speed where you can comfortably click on the target but not slow enough where you can’t follow the target when the target is dodging.
Once you have tuned any of the above, you are now ready to practice. Because despite any settings that you might have set, the muscle memory that you develop with practice is invaluable here.
2. How To Handle Recoil?
Go into the firing range.
Pick the gun that you want to practice recoil with, because this will vary for every gun.
Enable particles in the video settings if it is disabled. Shoot against a wall without controlling aim. You will notice the pattern that it makes on the wall.
Now while shooting, try to move your aim to the other side of the pattern. This will counter the recoil pattern keep your aim to the point.
When using an extended mag the pattern recoil does not change and remains the same.
Barrel stabilizer helps a lot with recoil.
Practice until you are comfortable.
3. How To Jitter Aim?
You have another choice if you are on mouse and keyboard. Learning recoil pattern is better for long term but if you working during the day like me and you are short one I would suggest you practice jitter aiming. What is Jitter aiming you say? It’s simple you point, move your cursor around quickly around the point/target while shooting.
If you are in doubt of whether you jitter aiming correctly, practice on the square boxes in the firing range with a devotion at range. Compare the damage without jitter aiming and with jitter aiming (just shake your wrist, kind of). The pro player who is best at jitter aiming (personal opinion) is probably Sweetdreams.
This applies only to automatic guns of course you can’t jitter aim with a wing man, repeater, shotguns or snipers.
4. Practice In The Firing Range
The best way to practice is in the firing range. You should practice in the following order:
You should first practice without any attachments.
Then I would suggest to practice with Sights
Then you can add other attachments to get a feel of what changes
What I mean here is that you must have noticed while practicing that it was much easier to shoot targets which did not move. The same goes for you. It is important to remember and develop the habit to Strafe left and right while you are shooting. Then add a few crouches up and down to this maneuver. At first you will forget most of the time that you need to do this in exchanges. But with time, you will do it automatically. This will help you dominate many one on one situations.
6. Hot drop!
Ok let’s get out of the firing range now and practice in real. Most of the websites would tell you to practice in a normal game first or even arena. I don’t believe you should do this. No matter the rank you are at, I think you should 1. play ranked 2. Hot drop!
What I mean by Hot Drop is to drop where most of the players are dropping down. This will force you to learn how to fight and will allow you to quickly ramp up on your personal skills. If your teammates are flaming you can mute them at the start of the game (probably a bad idea in the future though because strategy starts to become more important as from Platinum).
7. Learn How To Use Cover
Cover is your best friend. Make it a point that you will never engage in a fight without cover. This advice alone will increase your survival rates drastically. What you need to realize here is that there is only one gun in the game that can kill anyone in one shot(Kraber). So most of the time when you exchange hits, if you are on the losing end of that exchange you will be able to hide behind cover to recover your shield or health. Then you get a second chance to exchange damage. As you play around cover you will start to develop your own creative strategies. For example, I try not to peak the same place twice. Because the other side might expect me to do that.
8. Learn When To Push
In arenas it is easy to know when to push. If you have done at least 75% damage worth of health to the other side and your team is not healing, then you can push. Of course it is better if you have downed one of them.
For battle royale, this is a lot more complicated. If you are on a one squad to one squad situation then feel free to use arena tactics. But if there are 3 (including you) then try your best to third party. What does third party mean? Basically wait for the two other squads to fight then push/attack them when they are fighting.
If you are an anime fan there is an excellent reference in Hunter X Hunter, Gon says once when he is trying to steal a badge from Hisoka (someone who is much stronger than him) that the best moment for a Hunter to hunt a prey is when the prey is hunting another prey itself. This way it is distracted and you can just swoop in to kill it.
9. Increase Your Overall Awareness
Battle Royales are much more than shooting games. Strategy is going to make a big difference in your success rate. But before coming up with strategy you need to increase your awareness of what is happening. Keep asking yourself on why the enemy or your teammate has done what they did.
The next part is to look more often on your map. Estimate how long you need to travel to a safe spot. Identify the crafters, neutral drops and respawn beacons. Try to guess where the zones will end (yes you can get better at this too). Learn the “common sense” of apex legends for example if you have a Lifeline or Gibraltar is better to give them a gold back because they have special buffs for reviving. If you are a Wraith it is easier for your to move in front and scout because your passive will tell you when you are being aimed at.
You will learn all of this as long as you keep asking yourself 2 questions:
Why has this happened?
What can I do about it?
10. Learn Movement Mechanics
I have kept this one for last because I think it might be overrated. There several movement techs in the game but the 2 most useful ones I feel are slide jumping and tap strafing. There are video tutorials on youtube that you can see about it. They do give an edge both in fights and for getting around the map but not as much as the other points.
My main concern with Windows 11 was the FPS drop in Apex Legends. The game was unplayable. I tried to update drivers but they did not help.
Even lowering the game settings, which I didn’t want to compromise on initially, did not work for me.
How long will Windows 10 be supported by Microsoft?
By supported we mean how long will it receive updates, like important security updates. So far the news is that Windows 10 will be supported until 14/10/2025.
The time of writing of this article is 20/01/2022. I will be looking for feedback on Windows 11 and gaming from forums and Reddit before making the move to upgrade next time. Lesson learned!
Short answer is Yes it is! Blogging is particularly relevant actually in the technical domain. Let’s elaborate more on this.
Relevancy As A Source Of Knowledge
Nowadays most of the craze is about vlogging and YouTube. We have the impression that everyone just likes to consumes content as video or even audio through podcast. This partly true, however, this is not the case for all categories of information.
Let’s say you have to read a technical paper. You wouldn’t want to consume that through audio or video because when you read a technical article you have to make sure that you understand every bit of it. This requires you to go back and forth to confirm your knowledge.
This makes videos and audio formats very inconvenient as it is not obvious where to click to go back to point to a specific point that you want go through again.
It is still easier to search through written text in 2022
Second point is that despite the advancements of artificial intelligence it is still easier to search for content through text for Google. Most of the videos that rank well have to work with clickbait titles.
But if your content is in text format, whatever you say is indexed through the search engine and can be found when someone searches for information.
People still prefer to reference to articles than videos
Then comes the referencing problem. Most people (or students) still find it better to reference articles that are in text. This is specially so because it is more straightforward to quote, verify and generally more acceptable at different places/schools.
Relevancy As A Source of Income
Yes blogs do still bring money. Video formats, I have heard, generate more money per view. This is probably because of the video ads that are displayed compared to the simpler display ads on blogs. Although there are video ads displayed by AdSense too.
However, I would like to argue that this is counter balanced by the ease to get page views compared to video views. And also by the flexibility to add more display ads to your website.
This blog for example brings around 3000 page views per month consistently. That’s not much but it still generates around 10 euros per month with that through AdSense. It pays the bills for the hosting (and a beer I guess).
You can do this with curl. In the command above we are doing a PUT request to localhost:9200. You will need to replace this with your Elasticsearch’s address and port.
The indexname should be replaced with the specific index name which is throwing the error. If you are not sure which one, you can find it from the error itself.
Here we are changing the limit to 10,000 but be careful with this, the more fields you create the more memory will be used by Elasticsearch.
A Python Deque is implemented internally using a doubly linked list. This means that every element of the link list has a pointer to the previous element and also the next element. This allows for fast appends and prepends.
Because of the above characteristics complexity to add a new element at either end of the deque is O(1).
However, if you need to searching a particular element in the middle of a deque then this comes at a cost higher in the worst case: O(n) than a simple Python list: O(1). Appending and removing in the middle is also slower.
So when should you actually use a Python Deque? Find below a table summary for comparison:
Append Left or Right
Get/Set element
Pop right
Pop left
Worst case comparison table
Appending near the beginning and end for Python list can be O(n) because of how memory is allocated for Python lists. When the list grows beyond the allocated size Python needs to be move everything to a new memory location.
If you are adding to the beginning and end a lot then this is when you need to consider using a Python Deque.
If you run docker run –help under the memory section you will find the memory limits available for the containers.
-m, --memory bytes Memory limit
--memory-reservation bytes Memory soft limit
--memory-swap bytes Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
--memory-swappiness int Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100) (default -1)
If you are using docker run you could simple pass in a memory limit as follows:
docker run -v /mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3/scripts:/scripts python-docker python /scripts/test.py --memory 1024
If you want more details about the command above you can read How To Run Python From Docker. The above command runs a python script and limits the memory usage to 1 kb / 1024 bytes.
If you have docker desktop or a docker UI available you could go into settings->resources and adjust the memory limits directly.
Docker Memory limit on WSL
You need to also take into account the environment in which you are running docker. For example if you are using WSL then you might also need to check the WSL memory limits. WSL already runs in a virtual machine. By default the WSL vm can use all the memory it has access to.
If you run docker stats you should get information about every container, the cpu usage, memory usage, network usage and disk usage. For example see the screenshot below:
Create a folder, for example one called python, and then inside the folder create a file named Dockerfile. Inside the Dockerfile insert the following contents:
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
This is will instruct docker on docker build to fetch the official python image from Dockerhub and also here we are asking docker to pull the slim version which only has the common packages for python3.8.
How to build your own Python Docker Image?
You can build the image by going to the folder you where the Dockerfile above is present and running the following command:
docker build --tag python-docker .
You will probably see docker pull the image from Dockerhub if you are running it the first time.
We are telling docker to build the image in the current folder . and to give a tag: python-docker. We can now use python-docker to run python3.8. For example:
docker run -it --rm python-docker
This tells docker to the image we just created.
What does Docker run -it do?
We are telling docker to run the container in Interactive mode with -i and we are telling docker to put the output in our terminal with -t.
What does Docker –rm do?
–rm tell Docker to delete the container after running.
Running the above command should give an interactive shell of python3.8.
How to run a python script with Docker?
If you want to run a script you need to point the container to that script. This can be done either by putting the script inside the container or by mounting the location where the script is on your host machine and then pointing the container to run that script/s.
You can mount a location by providing the volume parameter -v. In the example the path I am currently at is /mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3. Let’s say I create a test script test.py in that folder as follows:
listing the folder and contents of test.py
To run the following script you can do the following:
docker run -v /mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3/scripts/:/scripts python-docker python /scripts/test.py
What the above is doing is that it is mounting my host machine’s path /mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3/scripts to /scripts (a new path) on the container. This gives the container access to everything that is in my host machine’s /mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3/scripts path.
Then my container python-docker is called to execute “python /scripts/test.py” which is exactly how you would call it if you didn’t use Docker.
Note you should
How To Install Python PIP Modules On Docker?
Let’s say we change our script to now import fire. If you executed it would give you something like:
ubuntu@MSI:/mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3$ docker run -v /mnt/d/temp/dockertests/python3/scripts/:/scripts python-docker python /scripts/test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/scripts/test.py", line 1, in <module>
import fire
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fire'
You will need to add the pip install fire command to the Dockerfile to make sure the container imports it too. You can do that with:
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
RUN python -m pip install fire
Your Dockerfile now also tells Docker to install the pip module fire.
You will now need to rebuild your container using:
docker build --tag python-docker .
You should now see Docker installing the module during building:
You should now be able to run your scripts, projects and install any dependencies you want. The above works both python2 and python3 just modify your Dockerfile to get version 2!
If you are struggling with ‘possible csrf attack detected’ popping up on OpsGenie then you likely need to:
Log off and Log in again. You won’t be able to switch between themes without doing that.
Switch to the old theme. I mean switch off the Dark theme.
Delete cookies and/or re-enable cookies.
The above fixed the issue for me. It was really annoying because the issue would cause all the tabs to go empty making me think there was another issue with my account or team.
Anyway, can’t blame them at the time of writing they did put a BETA tag next to the dark theme!
I was looking for the top view of the new Storm Point Map but couldn’t find one so I just took a screenshot from the game to whoever is searching for it like I was.
Top view of storm point map apex legends map
What is the best drop spot in Storm Point Apex Legends?
As a Bonus for you visiting my blog I have also included the best drop spot in the new map where you are guaranteed to have at least blue shields and most of the time purple shields!
2 Purple Shields and 2 Blue Shields!
The drop place is bottom left on the map, I have pinged it in the first picture. It is between Cenote Cave and The Mill.
The other reason why this is a good drop spot in my opinion is that it is near the Sea. This gives you an advantage that there are fewer angles for third parties to engage you. If you loot fast enough you can move to the adjacent spots to secure early KP.
The new season has just came out and I think that as people discover the map more, this spot might get crowded or patched.