These are the settings used by two of the most talented controller players of Apex Legends PXNDERZ and NiceWigg. Now, with all new settings you will need to give it some time to get used to.
Before moving on, if you want to check out how to enable aim assist and advanced control please check this post first: How to enable aim assist in Apex Legends PS4
Or in case you want to play with Mouse & Keyboard on ps4 check: Can you play Apex Legends with keyboard and mouse on ps4 & ps5 ?

Start with the first part, the Deadzone is slightly less than the default value. Deadzone is the amount you have to move your stick for it to respond. Depending on the amount of stick drift that you have you will have to adjust this differently, so take that into account.
Response Curve
The response curve is the rate at which at aim compensation is applied. If you put both the Deadzone and Response Curve to minimum you will notice your cursor moving on its own. The setting shown above is more natural.
Outer Threshold

What the description basically means is that the extra yaw setting you apply below will automatically take effect by setting the outer threshold to basically 0.
Normal Aim Sensitivity

I call the next settings the normal aim sensitivity because these determine the speed at which your cursor move without aiming down sight (ADS).
The speed settings above might look fast at first but they are crucial to perform good movement. Aiming alone is not enough in Apex Legends, you also need to master movement.
One note here, the settings above work well with official PS4 or XBOX controllers but if you are using crappy imitation ones their sensitivity might require you to turn them down. Because the above expects the character to move with a slight thumb push on the controller sticks.
Aim Down Sight (ADS) Settings

So the last part and important thing here is that the aim down sight speed is set to default BUT! there is a lot more Extra Yaw added. The purpose to having this is 2 fold.
The first purpose is that because the extra yaw is only applied when you are tracking by a lot, this means the normal setting is good enough to manage recoil.
Second reason is to track a moving enemy. The default settings might be to slow to track a fast moving enemy. Having this extra yaw will compensate for that.
I agree with setting no Ramp-Up time and Delay to kick the Extra Yaw as well because things go down really fast in Apex Legends.
Final Notes
It could take you one whole of week practice to get fully used to the settings but they are worth. There are some of them that you will and should be finetuning based on your playstyle.
Hopefully I have made a good explanation on why they used these settings! See you in matches! 🙂